יום שני, 28 במרץ 2016

When you don't know when to quite

When you look at a casino you don't see all the people losing their money, fighting with their spouse, selling their car or house to pay their debts or much worse

Even if you are not a gambler, you have probably seen movies with people losing all their money just because they didn't know when to quite. Sometimes they even earned nice amount of money somewhere along the way, but they kept on gambling, and lost it all and more. Why is it?

Well, because the person that losses the money (hopefully not you) is playing a different game than the casino. You see casino is a smart business - it might be bad for those who spend all their money, but it is very good for the casino owners. That's because the house always win. But when you look at a casino you don't see all the people losing their money, fighting with their spouse, selling their car or house to pay their debts or 
much worse. You see bright lights, people well dressed, pretty women, free staff, and you hear those happy sounds everywhere. All these tell your subconscious one thing - Winning.

But the casino is not there to make you win, its a business. And what it really sells people is the feeling they have a chance to win, and it is a nice feeling, as long as you don't confuse it with actually wining. Not in the long run any way. The casino is smart, the casino is not trying to win against every player, on every game on every turn. the bottom line is what is really important. Even if someone wins a million dollar,  and more people win prizes that go up to another million, the casino wouldn't care, because at the same time in average it would make 10M, 20M , maybe more. And part of the fun in the casino is that everybody wins sometimes, but in the long run, when people count their losses. most people lose money and a lot. 

We should take our loses and go hide in some corner

Now you probably think, I'm here to tell you not to gamble, and keep your money, or at least know when to quite. But actually I'm not... Or at least this is not my point. What I'm really here to teach you today, is about the difference between knowing when to quite, and quitting too soon.

My favorite example is learning to drive. What happens if you took the test and you failed?

Well, one time is not so bad, but what if you failed 3 times. That's imberresing. 
After 3 times would you try again? how about 5 times, or 6 times? 

Our culture teaches us many times, that failing is bad, that if we fail we should take our loses and go hide in some corner. But life is actually more like a video game, you can try as many times and you like, and there is no law that tells you, you have to quite after failing. 

They say that it took Edison 10000 tries before he invented the light bowl. And there are two lies in that sentence. He didn't invent the idea, he just found a better way to do it, and though he tried a lot of times (I think it was bout 2000), it was not anywhere near 10000. What important that he tried again and again till he found something that worked.

Taking a test, whether its a driving test, or other test, might not have all this cool lights and winning sound a casino has, but usually when you take a test, succeeding it can improve your life

That's the thing. Like a baby trying to walk (took this example from Tony Robbins), you should keep trying until you succeed. Actually - in the same way people in the casino are trying to win, till they can't play anymore because they lost all their money. 

Maybe its a bad example. But think of it this way, taking a test, whether its a driving test, or other test, might not have all this cool lights and winning sound a casino has, but usually when you take a test, succeeding it can improve your life. Whether it will give you a driver licence, a certificate of some sort, or a new job, usually tests has pretty cool prizes. And the coolest thing is, you usually can take the test as many times as you like. 

The real prize is knowing that you can do this with anything

Now the best prize about trying something again and again till you get it, like lets say, important purpose, such  as learning to create your own beer at home, is not just the beer. Its not even knowing that from now on, you will always know how to make beer. The real prize is knowing that you can do this with anything. Anything in life can be like driving a bicycle.  You put the time, you put the effort, till you succeed. And once its done it done, you can always do it.


Are there any other unwritten rules / laws that your following?

So this longer than I attended post, hopefully thought you why simply trying again and again is the one of the best strategies to confront difficulties. Taking this idea in and implementing it can change you life.
And just think for a second and ask your self - Are there any other unwritten rules / laws that your following, that are holding you back, and are actually not rules at all.

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